Cyflwyniadau diweddar ac ar y gweill

Gorffenaf 2024

  • “Communicative factors in the emergence of phonological dispersion.” Poster yn annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam.
  • “Beginnings, endings, and things in the middle: Why language obsolescence matters for language evolution”. Panel: Investigating Obsolescence: Where are we now? yn ICLaVE, Vienna.

Mai 2024

  • “The emergence of non-absolute synonymy: An iterated-learning experiment.” Araith gan Aja Altenhof yn International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang) 2024, Madison.
  • “The evolution of phonological dispersion: New experimental results.”. Araith yn International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang) 2024, Madison.

Mawrth 2024

Hydref 2023

  • Areithydd gwâdd yn Language Evolution and Emergence group, Nijmegen.

Mehefin 2023

  • “Some thoughts on artificiality and authenticity.” Areithydd gwâdd yn 2023 ADE-ALD Summer Seminar ym Mhrifysgol Georgetown.

Ebrill 2023

  • “Competition for semantic resources in artificial languages” Areithydd gwâdd yn Centre for Language Evolution Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń.

Mawrth 2023

  • “Games, Brains, and Novel Ideals: How communication games unlock new vistas for understanding the dynamics of language.” Areithydd gwâdd yn Language Educator Symposium, University of Pennsylvania.
  • “Social meaning in alien languages: Investigating linguistic indexicality in the laboratory.” Areithydd gwâdd yn Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures, Michigan State University.